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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Ping Thomas Mayer: linestage by Thomas Mayer

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Re: Ping Thomas Mayer: linestage

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Hi Larry,

yes, the amp set up is still pretty much like that.
211/211 on the bass and 801/801 as tweeter amp. The
line stage is also based on the 801A. It looks
like this: TVC - 1:4 step up - 801A - 4.5:1 step down -
passive cross over (600 Ohm).

The 801A is still my main line stage. I never had the
impression that there is too much of one tube. In fact,
I'm not afraid to use the same tube several times. I
don't believe in adding up of colorations. If a tube
is not good enough for me to use it 2 or 3 times, I
don't use it at all. I once had a 801A phonostage
running with 4 801As per channel. That was 7 801As
per channel in the system. No problem with that.

The 01A with that direct path circuit is a real fun
line stage. I still prefer the 801A for it's neutral
and transparent sound. The 01A takes a little bit
of resolution but adds some beauty. It is known for
it's rather high THD figures.

For CD usage, the 01A might be the ticket.

Currently I use the 01A in front of my 801A linestage.
I like it better that way, although it puts 2 transformers
and one tube in the signal path. I don't know if it's
the distortion of the 01A which mikes it sound better this
way, or if it's the added gain and the TVC sounds better at
lower gain settings.

I think the circuit of the 201A, without any caps is
contributing a lot to the good sound. Too bad that can't
be done with the 801A (that would burn up way too much power).

In fact I'm using a globe 201A now, but I didn't find a big
difference between 01As and 201As.

I'm still experimenting with the 201A. it is a very interesting
tube. I currently have a phonostage with 4 201As per channel
up and running.

another linestage which I recently built is based on the
27. Nice line stage, but doesn't come close to the 201 or
801. The difference between the two DHT linestages is much
smaller than the difference of either to the 27 (or 227).

Ciao ... Thomas

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Topic - Ping Thomas Mayer: linestage - larry moore 06:36:51 05/29/03 ( 2)