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Speaker Asylum: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. by machani

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Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please..

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I've read the previous posts on these speakers in AA, but am still undecided :(

This is for a 2-channel setup. I have room to work with and positioning from walls is not an issue. Also, I'm not a particularly big bass fan, but added bass wouldn't hurt :)

I'm getting a really good deals on new Quad 21L and 22L. They are priced only $150 apart and that is what is driving me crazy because both are within my range. I heared the 21L in the dealer showroom and was very impressed. (The 22Ls were only in the box).

Previous 'expert' opinions from AA:

* Nathan Klassen's opinion is that 22L is not as well integrated as 21L due to the higher crossover point (21L: 2.2KHz, 22L: 3KHz).

* Duckman's opinion, after several months use, is that although 22L has more bass it's the quality of bass that suffers and 21L has faster, tighter bass.

* Manek's opinion is that 22L keeps the tonal quality of 21L, has deeper bass and better imaging.

That's two in favor of 21L and one in favor of 22L.

I'm mainly concerned if there is any loss in imaging, soundstage, detail, smoothness or transparency with the 22L. In particular, I don't want any added boxy coloration. If these are not issues, I will get the 22L.

Will be driving with a 30w/ch tube amp (Cayin TA-30).

Please help me decide.



C N Machani

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Topic - Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. - machani 20:19:43 04/13/05 ( 23)