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Speaker Asylum: RE: Really liking my 'little speakers' - Energy RC-Mini's by geraldm121

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RE: Really liking my 'little speakers' - Energy RC-Mini's

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I use the even less expensive Energy C50's in conjunction with an Elekit TU 870R 2 watt per channel tube integrated amp, Teac T-H500 tuner, Sony D5 CD player, IPOD Nano and a older KLH 50 watt 6"Band pass sub woofer (not much "sub" but not too bad for extending the Energy's down to the 40hz range). You would not believe how nice this system sounds at the restricted levels I can listen at during the day and even more surprising is how it sounds when everyone goes home at higher levels. I would never have believed that 2 watts could drive an 88db sensitivity speaker system to such a respectable volume level (the crossover is set to about 70hz).I liked the C50's so much I bought a 2nd pair when Audio Advisor ran them briefly at $59.99 a pair.

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Topic - Really liking my 'little speakers' - Energy RC-Mini's - mbnx01 18:15:33 10/11/09 ( 4)