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Video Asylum: Anyone read the Perfect Vision raves about the upcoming plasmas from Pioneer? by Jazz Inmate

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Anyone read the Perfect Vision raves about the upcoming plasmas from Pioneer?

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This should fit into my upgrade plans nicely. My 3rd gen Pioneer plasma has served me very well the past five years, but now blu-ray is here and I need a 1080P screen.

"One of the biggest flat-panel stories was Pioneer’s demonstration of a ground-up redesign
for its plasma TVs that dramatically improves performance. I’m not talking about incremental improvements
here—in side-by-side comparisons with Pioneer’s current models as well as plasmas and LCDs from other manufacturers,
the differences were striking. And this from a company that already has a reputation
for producing some of the finest plasma TVs around (see “2006 Product of the Year Awards,” Issue 74).
A great picture involves several factors, including deep blacks, bright whites, wide contrast (the difference between black and white), vivid colors, and sharp detail. The new Pioneer plasma panels demonstrate remarkable
improvements in all these areas—for instance, blacks so deep and contrast so wide that Pioneer claims they can’t be measured accurately. I don’t know about that, but I can say the background
blacks and shadow detail in the demo footage I saw were extremely realistic.
And when the panels were idling with no picture, the screen was dead black, instead of the dark gray you often see.
The new panels also literally shine in terms of image brightness, which means watching TV in a day-lit room won’t be a problem. Combine this with the panels’ ability to render inky blacks, and you wind up with very wide contrast; in fact, a Pioneer rep claimed that the new panels pegged the contrast meter at 20,000:1, meaning
that the actual contrast ratio was greater than that. The higher the contrast ratio, the more the picture “pops,” producing
a greater sense of “looking through a window” realism.
Pioneer has yet to announce specific models, but TVs employing its new plasma design are expected to reach stores this summer. I can’t wait to get one into Grayscale Studio and put it through its..."

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Topic - Anyone read the Perfect Vision raves about the upcoming plasmas from Pioneer? - Jazz Inmate 21:00:15 04/6/07 ( 6)