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Hi-Rez Highway: EMM Labs CDSD - uses NEW philips OEM drive by DkB

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EMM Labs CDSD - uses NEW philips OEM drive

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Hi Pete G, I contacted EMM Labs and am relieved that the CDSD will use a new Philips drive. I certainly hope Philips HAVE taken the lesson from their dismally unreliable SACD 1000 OEM drive to heart!

According to EMM Labs, which marketed a modified SACD 1000 as their transport before, the old Philips OEM drive (called "daisy") has a 100% failure rate. As far as I'm concerned, it has a 300% failure rate, since all three of the drives in my Krell have failed.

Perhaps you could contact Patrick at Krell about this. His e-mail is on their Krell website. Of course, any company which has a large number of products in the market installed such ticking time bombs such the daisy drive might not be expected to enthusiastically admit that these drives, sooner or later, will fail. Also, the drives in many Krells, like yours, are still working OK.

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Topic - Broke down after 2nd replacement! Philips transport in Krell SACD Standard - DkB 22:11:58 08/4/04 ( 5)