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Hi-Rez Highway: Broke down after 2nd replacement! Philips transport in Krell SACD Standard by DkB

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Broke down after 2nd replacement! Philips transport in Krell SACD Standard

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After the Philips transport mechanism in my Krell SACD Standard locked up and simply whirred and clicked without reading the SACD, a replacement drive was sent to me from Krell. It was installed with new software. This replacement broke down within a day.

I waited a bit longer while a THIRD transport with even newer software chips were sent to me. THese were installed and the Krell worked flawlessly for a few months. It got sold off after that.

Now I hear the unit is misbehaving again. Not catastrophically as before, where the entire machine locked up, but it simply shuts down unpredictably and locks up.

Looks like this problem is never going to be solved. I heard Krell has called a stop to manufacturing the SACD Standard with a few to changing the drive mechanism to a more reliable one.

Now I'm afraid the drive mechanism in my upcoming EMM Labs CDSD may this same Philips drive! I hope EMM Labs is as smart as Krell in this aspect in switching to a more reliable drive mechanism.

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Topic - Broke down after 2nd replacement! Philips transport in Krell SACD Standard - DkB 22:11:58 08/4/04 ( 5)