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Ella p-2-p

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Here's the detailed wiring diagram of the Ella in p-2-p mode many have asked for. The main differences with your pcb'd Ella is no time delay provision, so we use a little different PCB. Also the sockets need to be mounted directly to chassis. I have ordered extra PS PCB and and a special mounting plate which can replace the main pcb and still allow mounting of sockets using the existing PCB mounting points. But beware: these little items take a long time to come from the factory and are not absolutely necessary. If you drill the chassis, you can mount the sockets direct. Also it is possible to use the existing PS PCB but I'm not able to provide a step-by-step decription of how to do it.

Take control! DIY.

Topic - Ella p-2-p - bcherry 03:44:39 12/16/04 ( 10)