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Digital Drive: Re: nope 3950 just sounds better by Vinnie R.

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Re: nope 3950 just sounds better

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The 3950 does sound pretty darn good for $70!
I'm currently using it as a transport for my Ack!dAck,
and it is doing a good job in this role. The transport
is very quiet, and it smooth in opeining/closing the
drawer. I like how the transport mechanism uses rubber feet
between it and the chassis for extra vibration reduction.

I am very tempted to start modding this unit, starting
with cleaning up the power supply, which appears to be the
weakest link. Or, going with linear power supplies, which should make a big improvement. When not using this unit with an external dac, this unit should benefit from replacing the stock dual opamp IC
with something like a BB OPA 2604. Also, the main PCB uses all
through-hole electrolytic caps, which can be easily swapped for
larger, higher quality Panasonic FC's or something else.

Once modded, the 563A is a dynamite universal player for a low price. I'm sure the Toshiba can be modded to sound very good as well, for an even lower price if you are not looking for SACD, DVD-A, etc.


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Topic - DVD in the study: Toshiba 3950 $70 or Pioneer 563 $150? - hinduclient 08:12:32 02/22/04 ( 8)