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Digital Drive: Re: DRC(Dynamic Range Control) and PCM Downsampling are... by mike_p

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Re: DRC(Dynamic Range Control) and PCM Downsampling are...

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To my ears the internal DAC sounded better with DRC on and downsampling to auto, but with a external DAC it sounded better with everything off. I wish we had more details on what its doing with Redbook audio!

That DRC setting is very suspicious.. if it operates anything like a standard compressor, as used in music production.. it'll kill the dynamics and make things sound like FM radio.. everything at nearly the same level. DVDs tend to have huge dynamic range, this can be a problem at low listening levels on shitty equipment, ie TV speakers. Heck, most popular music is mastered through limiters (like a compressor, but with a brickwall) anyway.. why not just add a little more. ;)

I found no difference with the FL Select settings, haven't tried the Dimmer settings.

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Topic - 3950 vs Bel Canto DAC2.. and how to setup as transport - mike_p 21:56:39 03/29/04 ( 4)