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Digital Drive: Re: interconnects with Ack!Industries dAck! by tommytube

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Re: interconnects with Ack!Industries dAck!

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There's no one answer on interconnects. Besides the dAck, the rest of your system also plays into it as well. I'm using an old pair of XLO Signature 1's from about 10 years ago and Chris couldn't believe I liked them. For me they are fast, very detailed and quite dynamic. I'm also using the Kimber KCAG digital IC. I tried a couple brands of digital IC and the Kimber was the best I had. Although I'm sure other choices are equally good or even better. Awhile back someone recommended DH Labs digital cables for around $50 a pair, they might be interesting to try. It's funny when the total price of my dAck interconnects are more expensive than the actual dAck.

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Topic - Ack!Industries dAck! Comparison with other DAC's - oracle9i 17:13:11 09/3/03 ( 4)